How do you Test User Acceptance and Beta in SDLC?


User acceptance testing and beta testing are two of the important testing types that focus on leveraging the knowledge and expertise of an end-user in testing the software product or application in a real-time environment. 

Both provide a platform, wherein users are given the opportunity to provide their genuine perspective about the software product or application. This in turn helps the team to make better product decisions about the software product or application.

The following are the steps required to test user acceptance:

1. A set of UAT test cases need to be prepared: This is the first step wherein the preparation of  UAT test cases is done based on the software requirements


2. Execution of UAT test cases: Once the test cases are prepared, then UAT test cases are executed to assess the functionality against the business requirements


3. Reporting bugs: While test case execution is being carried out and if any bugs or issues have been found then they are reported as bugs


4. Reviewing UAT test cases: All the test cases are thoroughly checked by the feedback loop.


5. Carrying out the triage process: Each bug that has been reported should go through a triage process so that its nature can be ascertained. 

The following are the points that need to be taken into consideration:

l  If the issue reported is a change request and not a bug, then it should be added to the JIRA backlog and documented accordingly

l  If the functionality is working as per the required documentation and the issue is not a bug, then the specialist will receive the required communication

l  If the issue is identified as a bug, then it will be documented in JIRA and the customer will be informed with the ticket link


6. Fixing bugs and testing: Those bugs that have been addressed are fixed and then tested to make sure that the fix has been successful


7. Retesting UAT bugs: The UAT bugs are retested by the customer, once the deployment of the fix takes place to make sure that the solution is effective


8. Signing-Off UAT: Based on the resolution of crucial bugs and execution of test cases, the customer provides a sign-off for the UAT.


The following are the steps required to test beta testing:

1. Select the right testers: If closed beta testing is being conducted then the ideal number would be between 50 to 300 beta testers. The numbers can still vary based on the project scope and requirements.


2. A time limit should be set for testing: A fixed time frame should be developed for the beta testing phase. It is generally recommended to conduct beta testing anywhere between two to twelve weeks.


3. The beta testers should be properly located: The beta testers should be selected based on the type of software app.


4. The app’s beta version should be released: Once the right beta testers have been selected, then they need to be invited so that the application’s beta version can be applied. An app distribution tool like Appblade, Testflight, Google Play developer console etc., should be used for sending the invite


5. Engaging testers: The team should motivate the beta testers so that they can thoroughly check all the functionalities of the app. Beta testers should also be duly rewarded


6. The significance of feedback: The beta testers should submit detailed feedback about the app, so that, if need be required, then further changes or modifications can be done


7. The changes need to be implemented accordingly: The feedback provided by beta testers may consist of recommendations and suggestions for changes in the application. The critical differences in the app should be implemented accordingly. :


Conclusion: The above-mentioned steps depict how user acceptance and beta testing work. If you are looking forward to beta test your product with a professional testing team that has a step-by-step methodology to carry out beta testing, then you are on the right path. For more details, just visit online one of the best software testing services companies that is committed to delivering commendable testing solutions.

About the author: I am a technical content writer focused on writing technology specific articles. Software testing is one of the areas in which I’m really interested.


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