
UAT Process: Management Best Practices

  What is UAT Testing ? Users Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final step in any software development or change request's lifecycle before going live.   The software is tested by actual users to see if it is able to do the job it was created to perform in real-world conditions testing changes and evaluating the conformance to the business needs of their company. Why do you run UAT? An update, a change or an entirely new feature is demanded and is developed.   Integration and unit tests are performed.   Everything appears to be well. However, once it's made available to the general public, serious issues are discovered. In the event of this the rework and testing are not the costliest results.   The loss of credibility is a possibility. Software may be fully practical from a technological perspective but still fail due to the fact that the requirements aren't well-defined or properly communicated to developers (an particular issue that is common to developing proj

What is UAT in agile?

To perform UAT in agile, a dedicated sprint needs to be included. The entire system needs to be validated by users before acceptance. The risk is that if suppose the UAT is delayed until a later sprint in the lifecycle then the practice of testing early (Shift Left) will be affected and the impact of bugs might be increased. Whether UAT has its own dedicated sprint or is done in-sprint then the efficiency will be increased by the similar best practice. Following are a few key points that need to be pondered and worked upon: · The users should be provided with the necessary assistance from someone in the test team. This includes providing the necessary training, offering system access, following test steps and bugs being captured · There should be a proper differentiation between a change request and a bug · The expectations need to be set for UAT outcomes · The user stories need to be identified that needs to be tested. Spreadsheets are good and a test management tool can also be lever

Why User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Matters

What is User acceptance testing (UAT)? It is a testing method wherein a software product or application is tested by real users in a real-time production environment. Post-testing, the team gathers user feedback, which helps in ascertaining the value of a software product or application from a user's perspective. If need be required, the team can further modify the software product or application based on the user's inputs. Following are a few key factors that depict the relative importance of user acceptance testing: 1. Working on Hotfixes: When bug reporting or developer testing activities are carried out on a day-to-day basis, there may be chances that it may lead to a hotfix. End users are held responsible for testing these bug fixes and make sure that the problems are solved that have originally been reported. 2. Additional phases are taken into consideration: Upgrading an existing software or rolling out a new business application in a phased approach might be the focal p

User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Tools and Checklist | Quick Guide

  User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the final phase of the software testing process where actual users test the software to ensure it works in real-world scenarios. UAT aims to validate that the developed software meets the requirements and expectations of its end-users. Here's a quick guide on UAT tools and a checklist to help you perform UAT efficiently. UAT Tools: JIRA : Originally designed for bug tracking, JIRA can be customized to manage user stories, requirements, and UAT test cases. Trello : A visually-appealing tool for managing user stories and tasks. It can also be used for tracking UAT progress with the help of boards and cards. TestRail : A UAT management tool that provides comprehensive software test management capabilities. Tricentis Tosca : Provides a model-based approach to UAT testing and can automate certain aspects of UAT. Usersnap : Enables users to provide feedback directly within the application, making it

What is UAT in Agile?

In traditional (waterfall) development methodologies, UAT is typically a distinct and late-stage phase. However, in Agile methodologies, UAT is integrated throughout the iterative development process. Here's how UAT fits into the Agile framework: 1.     Continuous Feedback : Agile emphasizes continuous feedback from stakeholders and end-users. This means that instead of waiting until the end of the development process to conduct UAT, user acceptance can be sought throughout the development lifecycle. 2.     User Stories and Acceptance Criteria : In Agile, requirements are often captured as user stories. Each user story has associated acceptance criteria, which define the specific conditions that must be fulfilled for the story to be considered complete. These acceptance criteria effectively act as a basis for UAT for that user story. 3.     Iterative Development : Since Agile promotes iterative development through sprints or iterations (in methodologies like Scrum), U

From Smoke Testing to User Acceptance: A Comprehensive Guide to Software Testing Stages

Software development isn't just about writing code; it's also about ensuring that the end product meets quality standards and provides a seamless experience to the user. Here, we'll journey through the key stages of software testing, from the initial stages like Smoke Testing to the final User Acceptance Testing. 1. Smoke Testing: Definition: A preliminary test to check the basic functionality of a software build. Purpose: To ensure the build is stable enough for further, more exhaustive testing. Key Points: Shallow, quick, and identifies showstopper defects. 2. Functional Testing: Definition: Validates that the application's functionalities align with the specified requirements. Purpose: To ensure that each function of the software application operates in conformance with the requirement specification. Key Points: Focuses on functionalities, not on the backend or system operations. 3.