User & Usability Testing ,Methods & Tips

What is user and usability testing?

User testing also known as usability testing is a testing technique that is performed during the design stage of the product. The main aim of this test is to evaluate the product, its feature, or prototype with end-users. User testing when done thoroughly takes the form of a one-to-one interview with the end-user and is conducted by a qualified and skilled UX researcher. The feedback received from the end-user helps in making the product more reliable and successful.

What is the method of user and usability testing?

Below mentioned are the usability testing methods that you should know:

1. Guerilla testing: It is one of the simplest forms of usability testing which involves going to public places such as coffee shops and selecting participants at random to test your product. In return, the participants get rewarded in the form of gifts.

2. Lab Usability testing: In this testing method the test is conducted in special environments such as laboratories under the presence of a moderator. It is also known as a moderated usability test.

3. Unmoderated usability test: This testing is done without the presence of a moderator in an unmoderated setup usually at participants' location and on their own devices.

4. Contextual inquiry: It is more like an interview/observation method in which a set of questions is asked from the real user/test participants about their experience with the product.

5. Phone Interview: It is a remote usability test method where a moderator verbally instructs participants to complete tasks on their device and feedback is collected automatically.

6. Card Sorting: In this technique, test participants need to place concepts (content, features) on cards and manipulate the cards into groups and categories.

7. Session recording: It is a method of recording the actions that real users take while they interact with a site. This data helps stakeholders to know what feature most attracts the users.

What are important tips for usability and user testing?

Below mentioned are the important tips for usability and user testing that you should consider before starting the test:

• Test early

By testing early it becomes more easy and convenient to implement the changes as per the feedback received from the end-user.

• Clearly state the objectives of the test

Unclear goals act as a hurdle in achieving the desired result. Before starting the test make sure that you ask questions to yourself like ‘what do I want to achieve from this test’?

• Do not ask close-ended questions

Try to ask as many open-ended questions as possible to know their opinion.

• Don’t be biased

Make sure that you give full authority to the people who are going to test your product. Do not interfere or overpower your thoughts or opinions on them.

• Test with real users

Make sure that you conduct this test with real users, other than your family, friends, or relatives.

• Go slow and steady

Don’t be in a hurry to ask everything about the product in one session. Make sure that you focus on major things first. Don’t be in a hurry to solve everything at once.

User and usability testing are essential elements of every software testing process. With these testing methods, it is nearly impossible to gain customers' real opinion regarding your product. Therefore it is always advised to conduct user and usability testing before releasing the product to the market.

Leverage user and usability testing services from a next-gen QA and software testing services provider to achieve an effectively tested product.


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