The Importance and Challenges of UAT Testing
Hardware and software testing is crucial in the implementation of any technology designed or designed for your business. There are many kinds tests, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is unique because it is the only instance where both end and business users participate as principal owners. Other kinds of testing such as system, unit, integration, security and scalability, are typically carried out through IT team members with an inclination towards technology and don't have the same amount of understanding of business as an end-user. It is well-established that UAT is a crucial and, according to some, the most crucial, component of testing. The main reason for performing UAT is to make sure that you minimize the risk which is associated with an introduction of software in your company. Thus, the primary goal for UAT testing is to confirm that the software is compatible with needs of the business and to verify that it is able to support day-to-day activi...